Thursday, May 15, 2008

Events in Modern-Day Spain

One of the most terrifying events in modern day Spain has been the terrorist attacks in 2000. An organization known as ETA, which is most likely composed of Basque separatists, has performed numerous attacks and assassinations in order to make their goal known: they would like to separate from Spain. However, in a time of terror around the world, such cries for attention are hardly noticed.

Spain During the Cold War

Although Spain was initially isolated both economically and politically following World War II and at the beginning of the Cold War, it eventually did gain acceptance into the United Nations in 1955. However such an advancement is most likely attributed to the strategical location of Spain and teh Strait of Gilbraltar. Good relations were necessary in order to maintain control of southern Europe. Moreover, the Spanish Miracle, or economic boom in the 1960's, pushed Spain to a leader in the tourism market. Thus, although a time of tension, the Cold War offered Spain a new hope.

Spain's Influence on World War II

Our involvement in the war that has become known as teh Spanish Civil War has proven vital for the Axis powers in World War II. As a rebel soldier and supporter of Francisco, I was only concerned with our victory, not the victory of the Germans. However, it was Germany's support that allowed them to test the success of the military strategy known as blitzkrieg. Additionally, the support of Germany on one side and the Soviet Union on the other proved to be a sort of proxy war, and was just a rehearshal for a much more vicious and devestating war that is now occuring throughout Europe and the rest of the world.

Impact of World War I on Portugal

Ever since the revolution in 1910 and the disposal of our Portuguese monarchy, our country has been in econonmic ruin. The economy has plunged into disarray and there is little relief from the government. To worsen matters, the government intervened in World War I using military force, which proved to be very costly. Such a venture is almost suicide when a nation can hardly support itself. Thus, because of the intervention in the Great War, the coup d'etat of 1926 was completely warranted and necessary.