Thursday, January 17, 2008

Impact of the French Revolution & the Napoleonic Era

Spain was greatly affected by both the French Revolution as well as the age of Napoleon. During the French Revolution, many colonies of Spain got ideas that revolution was necessary and would eventually revolt, such as Venezuela. Moreover, Napoleon appointed his own brother as King of Spain, thus weakening Spain under an intolerable king. The Peninsular War, which relied heavily on guerilla warfare, also rendered Spain a weaker country, although he did end the Spanish Inquisition.

Portugal was taken out of its geographical isolation when Napoleon began his Peninsular War. The war extended until the end of his reign in 1814. The Portuguese were aided by British forces and participated in both traditional and guerilla warfare. Subsequently, Napoleon was unable to win a decisive victory, which dragged the war and its battles out.

Italy was affected greatest by the appointment of Napoleon's younger brother, Joseph Bonaparte, to the positions of King of Sicily and King of Naples.

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